How a QA automation engineer excels at Blankfactor (and how that adds value to our clients)

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TL;DR: A QA automation engineer can do wonders in improving software life cycles and team productivity. Working together with the best talent in the world on the latest technologies can improve processes for happier working environments. QA automation can consistently improve a product’s quality and its subsequent fit in a given market.
A while ago, we covered what Quality Assurance (QA) automation is all about in a brief article. We made it clear then how QA automation is a pillar in a software’s life cycle that still involves a great part of process optimization. Thanks to a QA automation engineer, QA teams no longer need to wear themselves out on the same repetitive processes weeks on end. That’s what QA automation is set out to do; truly improve such processes.
In that article we mentioned, we also covered QA automation testing’s areas of work, how QA automation saves companies time, its relation to process optimization, and how vital adaptability is in that environment. Because our goal is for QA engineers to thrive in a happier environment while being able to focus on more specific tasks, we noted how they should be able to devote their time to more complex details than what QA automation can cover. Head on over to that content if you’d like to read more on the basics of QA automation.
Today, we’re focusing on this part of our company processes from the inside out. We’re focusing on Blankfactor’s way of going about QA automation around the world. But, first, let’s add a bit of context on this field.
The evolution of QA automation in the last decade
In 9 years, QA automation has had to evolve as much as technology has. Frankly, procedures and ways of interaction with sites at the beginning happened when XML was famous. Data was structured a certain way and it was all very static.
When strong APIs made an entry and those were linked to a Cloud, for example, that changed data structure. You got more dynamism. React was created and websites became even more dynamic. jQuery and HTML5 reinvented sites and solutions. The back, nuclei, and frameworks had to adapt to be able to interact with elements and develop the simulation we want.
Right now, Cypress, a Javascript-based framework, is the most famous. It gives a certain flexibility that other tools didn’t. The platform goes back to 2015. There’s more on the tool on Cypress’ website, too.
Where Blankfactor stands in the industry
As a leader in QA automation at Blankfactor, I can honestly say we’re capable of coming through with any solution that’s needed. I stand behind us currently being able to come up with the best automation solution that truly fits the bill of any of our clients’ precise needs. I sincerely can’t think of a single solution we can’t provide!
We’re currently working on different projects with automation design. For all of them, we’re using nothing but cutting-edge technologies. From C-sharp to Cypress, we of course handle Java.
Even though I’ve been in QA Automation for about 9 consecutive years now, Blankfactor is the first company I’ve seen to also be doing Social Media Automation in the back-end. The engineer in charge here works parallel with Social Media and Marketing. And that’s great!
And what’s golden to me here is the human aspect. Our current QA automation process is very interdisciplinary. Engineers are self-taught and adaptable. Right now, we’re implementing an international vision.
Multicultural teams on our end currently work with clients all over the world.
Working with teams worldwide
From Colombia, and Bulgaria to Costa Rica, we’re working towards a united international automation. We’re after a market value for our clients based on best practices for each technology. If a client hires us, they know we’ll have the ability to come up with any solution —from scratch— to match their own. If they’re already working on a specific automation process, we’ll be able to learn all about it, modify it, and inject best practices to get to the next level.
Based on the testing we do, we’re truly working with the best talent in the world. That gives us versatility when it comes to diverse technologies. As a Lead, I can rely on skill maps for my entire team. For a precise solution, I already know which member can help in which aspects; who is the expert in some areas and who in others. We come to a round table and start chatting. We grow from it so much! I’ve even found myself surprised how well this has worked.
Much of automation has to do with increasing product quality, optimizing processes, and impacting people positively. The keyword here is still adaptability. We can switch up on technologies at any time!
Self-learning, self-management, communication, and adaptability are all fundamental.
QA Automation is about a great quality standard
As we’ve seen up to now, automation is capable of injecting agility at great speed for any area in any industry. After a certain time and work has been put in, testing can ensure more and more quality at greater speeds, which will positively affect a company’s entire image, market, client base, and more!
A bad experience sent me right to automation. As a developer, my software didn’t have a great impact in the market then. And I think a reason for it was a lack of that muscle that ensured we were doing everything right. I changed that around and reached many successes thereafter. The process and product quality can now simply be at very good levels all the time!
That’s precisely one of the main reasons QA automation exists. We seek to improve processes that allow better focus either from leaderships or QA teams that will result in better product quality throughout. And many tools let us foster that agility. Topped with the best talent worldwide, updated knowledge on the wide range of technologies at our disposal, and the right team work for a perfect mindset, there’s absolutely no solution we can’t provide.
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